California’s Authority on Vacant, Abandoned Nuisance Houses

Get the abandoned eyesore next
door cleaned up and secured.

  • Is the Vacant Eyesore Next Door a danger to you and your family?
  • Attracting squatters and criminals?
  • Reducing your home’s value?
  • There are good neighbors and then there’s THAT house!

We help frustrated Neighbors, Officials and Families eliminate vacant, abandoned and other
nuisance property in their community.

We help major code violators find the money and means to bring vacant substandard property
into compliance.

We’ll clean up the yard and secure property while owners or their families are located
before administrators (or court receivers) are appointed.

We’ll make the problem go away so
that you don’t have to.

The Promise:

1. Get the yard cleaned up.
2. Secure the house from squatters.
3. We’ll deal with the city so that you don’t have to.


Concerned Neighbors:

Please report vacant, abandoned nuisance properties to our 24 hr Hotline


The Abatement Authority is public service initiative provided by Good Deeds Foundation, Inc., a California based, non-profit 501C(3) charity and is not affiliated with California State or local agency.

The Good Deeds Foundation, Inc. is a California based, non-profit 501C(3) charity dedicated to eliminating vacant, abandoned and nuisance houses in your community through privately funded beatification projects.